Monday, March 21, 2016

Cimo Spelling Week 1

In this app you help a penguin cross the ice to get to its fish by spelling a word the app says. It's very cute and I like the progression of the levels (short vowels, long vowels, bossy r's, other vowel teams, irregular vowels, and challenge). When you select a level the app says a word and has the letters needed on the ice below (on the challenge level it might also have an extra letter that will not be used). You have to drag the letters to make an ice bring for the penguin to cross. When you get it correct the app sounds out the word. 

For this week, I had all of my students try to just complete level 1. Some students moved onto level 2 but for the most part they stayed on level 1. My struggling readers had a hard time with this game but they really enjoyed it. They liked having the words being read to them and how many times they said the word. My high flying readers did not enjoy this game because it was too easy for them. They liked when the words got more challenging but many thought it was a game for babies.

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