Monday, March 21, 2016

Cimo Spelling Week 2

This week for Spelling with Cimo, I chose the level students would be working on based on their reading levels. For my higher readers, I had them working on level 4 or 5. For my average students I had them on levels 2 or 3 and for my lowest students I had them working on level 1.

My students had a better time working on this app this week. They liked being challenged and having to really think about how to spell the words. My higher students even enjoyed being able to spell easier words just practice this spelling skills.

I would definitely recommend this app for K-2 grades. Second grade would be the cut off because the words are not as tricky as it could be for most second graders but it is a great practice for struggling students. I really like this app because the students are not given visual ads to help them spell the words they have to spell it based on what they hear and the letters they have in front of them. It is a fun app and there is an additional app that does cost money that has more levels and more games.

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